Sunday, 21 November 2010

Fr. Kelly of Dunvant: A Holy Servant of God

Fr Peter Kelly of Dunvant Parish
Many thanks from your webmaster to all the parishioners who prayed, said the Rosary and had Masses said for the time I was in hospital. There are too many people to name, but you are all in my prayers also and I will be eternally grateful to you all for your invaluable help and support in every way.

Of course special thanks to our own Parish Priest Fr. Paul Joseph who helped in so many ways.

There is also a special mention to a very special soul who this trying time brought me into contact with: Swansea-based priest Fr. Kelly, who's vocation is to visit the patients of Singleton Hospital. Indeed this kindly and charitable soul came to me on every day and it meant that almost every day I could receive Holy Communion (one day I could not because despite visiting twice that day, Fr Kelly either found me in too much pain or asleep).

I really have nothing but praise for this wonderful man of God whose calling enables him to give so much hope, joy and comfort to those in pain, worrying, recovering, alone etc. To see his smiling face, hear him blessing the patients and staff, as they in turn would call "goodnight Father" after the silver haired priest all in black, it is one of most endearing memories of my stay in hospital and always brings a smile to my face.

A fellow patient told me that Fr Kelly had been there for his own mother when she was in the hospital some decades before.

It reminds one of how the Catholic Priesthood can still mean a great deal, can bring so much succour to souls in need, is still (despite media assaults and rare scandals) a truly Holy Calling.

Even now when I get pains or am weary as I recover, the smiling face and truly charitable nature of the kindly Fr Kelly truly lifts my soul. If ever a man was sent by Our Lord and Our Lady to help those who need it I think Fr Kelly is that man.

Our diocese is very lucky to have such a priest.

Thank you and God Bless you Fr Kelly of Dunvant Parish. You and your vocation will always be in my prayers.

Diocese of Menevia on Fr kelly's 60th Anniversary of Ordination (lots of very interesting biographical information on this wonderful priest).

Pray for the Holy Souls

PRAYERS: Let us entrust all the departed souls of our beloved, especially those whose anniversaries are at this time, and those who have no one to pray for their souls. During this month for the HOLY SOULS, let pray for all the departed souls, especially souls in purgatory.

Parish Christmas Fayre: December 4th Update

CHRISTMAS FAYRE: The Christmas Fayre of our Parish is planned for the December 4, 2010. Thanks to all who have put your name down for contributions in cash or kind. We will have a Tombola Stall. Please do bring items for the same.

The prizes of the Grand Christmas Draw 2010 are: I Prize: £ 50, II Prize: £30, III Prize: £20, IV Prize: Hamper, V Prize: Hamper, VI Prize: Dinner for 2, and there are many more prizes to win..!

Please do sell as many books of tickets as possible, beginning with at least 10. 

Meanwhile, any “Sellable Items” like toiletries, bottle stall items, jewellery, good toys, books etc can be left either in Burry Port or Kidwelly Churches.

Christmas Cards

CHRISTMAS CARDS: There are a few religious Christmas Cards for sale at the porch. The prices are marked on them. Crib set is available in the office.

Parish Guild

PARISH GUILD: It is a matter of great joy for us all as a parish, that all the members of the PARISH GUILD and new members are coming together to revive the PARISH GUILD. A special note of thanks for all the initiative and the hard work involved. The Parish needs groups like Parish Guild to bring in life and various activities.

House Visits

HOUSE VISIT: Thanks for phone calls, emails and addresses of the persons who would need parish visits. Please do ring the parish office anytime for pastoral assistance for all who need.

Tuesday & Wednesday

CLERGY AWAY-DAYS CONFERENCE: Please note that there is no mass on Tuesday and no Mass and Benediction on Wednesday, as all the priests will be at the conference in Aberavon.

Mass of Anointing

SVP- MASS OF ANOINTING: The SVP mass of anointing will take place in our church on 30th November at 2pm. All are welcome.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Thanks to all the Kind Parishoners and our Priest

I hope you will indulge me with a very personal post.

May I thank all the kind friends and parishioners who have given me all their best wishes, kept me in the prayers and much more. I take great comfort in all these prayers and Masses being said for my intention.

I am going into hospital tomorrow and hope to be out 7-10 days from then providing there are no complications.

It is quite major surgery but the doctors tell me it is a relatively "easy" one too.

I am sure Our Lord and Our Lady will give me the strength I need. The operation is on the birthday of our beloved departed former Parish Priest, Fr Charles Higham SJ, so I am sure that has a meaning known in heaven.

Given these circumstances there may be some delays with future posts on the Parish web-site [though I hope to semi-smuggle a lap top into hospital early next week when I have some strength back ;-)].

So again a big thanks to everyone in the Parish, especially of course our Parish Priest, Fr Paul Joseph, for his support, encouragement and help. He says there is an onion bhaji waiting with my name on it!

Mass Intentions


The parish does not have enough mass intentions for the priest. There are a few intentions coming from outside the parish. If you intend to book a mass for the foreseeable future, please do get that done at the earliest.

Parish Christmas Fayre: December 4th


The Christmas Fayre of our Parish is planned for the December 4, 2010. Thanks to all who have put your name down for contributions in cash or kind. We will have a Tombola Stall. Please do bring items for the same. The raffle prizes will be announced shortly and the tickets will be made available soon.

Meanwhile, any “Sellable Items” like toiletries, bottle stall items, jewellery, good toys, books etc can be left either in Burry Port or Kidwelly Churches.

Nearly New Sale raised £211


Thanks to all the organisers, contributors and participants of the NEARLY-NEW sale on the 30.10.2010. The Parish remains indebted to all such activities and organisers. The event raised £ 211.45. These events are the lifelines to financially sustain the parish. Thanks again and God bless you all.

Month for the Holy Souls

HOLY SOULS: The month of November is the month for the Holy Souls. Let our prayers be offered for all the departed souls in our families, parish and those souls who are not prayed for. If you remember any particular name/names, the envelopes are available at the church porch.