Sunday 21 March 2010

Passover Meal

PASSOVER MEAL ON HOLY THURSDAY - After The Evening Mass of The Lord’s Supper there will be an opportunity for parishioners to partake of a very simple Passover Meal of lamb and unleavened bread in the church hall at Burry Port to commence at 8.15pm. Anyone wishing to attend is kindly asked to put their name on the list on the notice boards as soon as possible so that the correct amount of food can be prepared without any waste. We also require a large picture of the Last Supper that can be displayed in the hall during the meal, if anyone has such a picture and could lend it to us for the meal, we would be very grateful. Thank you.

LAMB, UNLEAVENED BREAD, ROASTED EGGS – Please kindly give your name to Mary (after Mass this weekend) if you would like to supply any of the food (cooked lamb, unleavened bread, eggs roasted in their shells) required for the meal. Thank you.

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